Lasting Power of Attorney

Lasting Power of Attorney

A Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) is an essential legal document that empowers an individual who is 21 years of age or older, referred to as the 'donor,' to voluntarily appoint one or more persons, known as 'donees,' to act on their behalf. This appointment allows the donees to make decisions for the donor if they ever lose mental capacity. The donor can specify that these donees are responsible for two broad categories of matters: personal welfare and property & financial affairs.

Benefits of a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)

Creating an LPA is an important step in pre-planning, providing numerous advantages and safeguards. Primarily, it enables you to protect your interests by nominating a trusted individual to act as your proxy decision-maker. This person, or persons, should be someone you believe to be reliable, competent, and capable of managing your affairs effectively. By choosing your own donee, you can ensure that your personal preferences and decisions will be respected and followed in the event that you lose the capacity to make decisions yourself.

An LPA is not only about securing your future well-being but also about easing the burden on your loved ones. Without an LPA, if you lose mental capacity, your family members may face significant stress and difficulties in trying to make decisions on your behalf. They might have to go through complex legal procedures to obtain the authority to manage your affairs, which can be time-consuming, emotionally draining, and costly. By setting up an LPA in advance, you can spare your loved ones this ordeal.

Moreover, an LPA allows for continuity in the management of your affairs. Whether it’s handling your property, managing your bank accounts, or making healthcare decisions, a designated donee can step in seamlessly to ensure that everything is taken care of according to your wishes. This preemptive measure helps in avoiding any disruptions or misunderstandings that could arise if decisions were left to individuals who are not aware of your preferences.

Furthermore, having an LPA in place provides peace of mind, knowing that your affairs will be in the hands of someone you trust. This foresight allows you to live your life with the assurance that your chosen donees will act in your best interests, maintaining your standard of living and ensuring your welfare is prioritized.

In summary, a Lasting Power of Attorney is a vital document for anyone seeking to protect their future autonomy and provide clear directives for their loved ones. By planning ahead and appointing a reliable donee, you not only safeguard your own interests but also offer significant relief to your family, ensuring that your personal and financial matters will be managed smoothly and in accordance with your wishes.

Ready to write your LPA? 

Do it with Us!